My older brother took up photography a few years ago and has taken many shots that I wish I could say I had taken. This is one of the recent examples. He still lives in Winnipeg.
We live in a house that was built in the 1940's. It's simple and small and, maybe, influences my needs in that direction. The insulation is not great but I love it when the light is coming up in the windows and Billie Holliday is playing on the stereo. I think this is one of the finest musical moments ever recorded.
I was born and grew up in Winnipeg. Perhaps that is why I can be surprised, even after living in Vancouver for thirty years, at the beauty in a seaport city.
This site is meant to work with the little-eye-studio web site (see above link). I hope to show photographs that I have recently taken or added to the web site. I will also introduce artists, or others, who have influenced me and my work. I might write about photography or whatever strikes my fancy. Please feel free to leave comments. Thanks.